What would you do with a body filled with health? How might you serve in a body where anything is possible? Our physical bodies are gateways to health, wellness, and growth. Yes, movement can help us feel good about the way we look. However, that is incredibly boring compared to how it makes us feel inside. When we penetrate our physical layer, we contact our mind, emotions, and spirit in a whole new way. We are moving toward wellness, a feeling, a chance to become. When we move consistently and intentionally, we cultivate courage, discipline, resilience, and the capacity to serve in more bold and true ways.
Moving with our families provides opportunities to bond, create memories and lead our children by example. When it comes to wellness, it all starts here – in the physical body.
Here Jake and Cole discuss being disciplined to physical wellness, experiencing movement as a family, and all that becomes possible when we live in well cared for bodies. Check it out.
Listen to “Moving Toward Wellness” on Spreaker.
Ready to get moving? Check out our fast and effective home workouts like this one!

Jake & Cole
Sibling founders of Total Potential, Jake and Cole, are on a mission to make family life the most vibrant and important place to grow and thrive. Like most siblings, these two are equally similar as they are different. Think yoga and jiu-jitsu, yin and yang - that is Cole and Jake in a nutshell.