Confidence & Identity in Motherhood

It is easy to find ourselves on the busy, overwhelmed, and unfulfilled hamster wheel. Let’s hop off that spin cycle and into confidence, alignment, and our true identity in motherhood. It won’t be an exercise in perfection! But it will be one of curiosity, presence, and connection. Here Andrea Herbert of Gold Ivy Health Co. […]
Look Back to Charge Forward

“Self-reflection is the school of wisdom.” – Baltasar Gracian Look back in order to charge forward. That is the value of reflection. This year generously taught many lessons (wink, wink). Some were not fun. Some were long overdue. However, without taking the time to truly consider how these lessons impact your life and the path […]
Take a Personal Stance

The collision of what we are perceived as and what we perceive ourselves to be can be vastly different. There are many reasons our true selves might be held back from the surface – a job title, new surroundings, an attachment to a friendship, or maybe the story we tell ourselves. Whatever the reason, these […]