Five Ways to Improve Family Communication

When communication is off in the family – we can feel it! Voices get loud; tantrums are constant for toddlers, teens, and parents alike. No fun. Thank goodness for our guest, Carol Muleta. She has a simple five-step path to communication that is effective, creates understanding, and empowers everyone. Her system allows for greater peace, […]
Heal, Connect, & Grow Energetically

Mind-blowing. That’s the only way to describe this conversation with Judy Buchanan, a Medical Reiki Master. This is the single most influential conversation I’ve had in years. Here we tackle self-development, relationship growth, and parenting mastery all from the energy that flows within our own bodies! Get ready to heal, connect, and grow energetically – […]
Five A’s of Strong Relationships

Strong relationships are the backbone of family life. Relationships that support us, guide us, help us grow, and so much more. Whether that is with our spouse, our children, or even ourselves, it is safe to say we all wish for these relationships to be positive experiences. However, consistently feeling confident in knowing how to […]
Gender Brain Differences and Relationships

We know that communication is important for relationships. But it’s not always easy! Right? Let’s face it. Male and female brains can be very different from each other. Maybe taking a closer look at the differences may smooth our efforts to talk with one another. Can you believe one favorite analogy involves food? “Men are […]
Families, Transitions, and Transformations

Families are messy. Each member of every family is constantly changing and growing. A beautiful mess of human beings of all ages and stages learning to do life with one another. So how can we make transitions easier? And how can we turn transitions into opportunities for growth and transformation? If family change is certain, […]
Positive Parent-Child Interactions

We all desire to raise great kids who know they are loved. Improving relationships with our children and regularly having positive parent-child interactions doesn’t have to be complicated. In this podcast, Dr. Michael Axelrod shares his simple tips for building healthy parent-child relationships. In his discussion with Cole, Dr. Axelrod outlines a concept he calls […]
Time and Transforming Relationships

An immensely valuable tool in building strong relationships is to appreciate (and harness) the power of distinctions. We learn about the world in which we live and co-create that world via the power of distinctions. Essentially, when we understand how we can use time in transforming relationships, we create an intentional existence. Yet, for many […]