Burpees & Planks

“People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.” F.M. Alexander Burpees and Planks Enjoy getting a total body workout and your heart rate up in this quick 10-minute burner! Part 1: 5 Minutes: Every minute, on the minute, perform 10 burpees. Rest the remainder of the minute. […]

Legs, Arms, Abs

“A warrior feeds his body well; he trains it, works on it.  Where he lacks knowledge, he studies.  But above all, he must believe.  He must believe in the strength of will, of purpose, of heart and soul.” David Gemmell As we complete today’s movement, notice the information the body provides.  Do certain movements feel […]

Quick Grind

“If you fell down yesterday, stand up today.” H.G. Wells Burpees are the perfect exercise to practice falling down and then getting right back up. Think of it not only as physical training but mental training as well! Quick Grind Perform 5 burpees every minute With whatever time remains in that minute, complete as many […]