Live an Unshakeable Life

Hers is a heroic story. Jessie is the epitome of fierce grace. She left a life of abuse and trauma to create a life full of strength and power. She is full of fire, wisdom, forgiveness, and light. This mother’s journey will inspire you to remember who you are and let your life tell a […]
Courageous Character

With brains wired for fear, acting with courage can be challenging. However, training courage is not as hard as we might think. As we develop courage through our body-mind system, courage becomes part of us – part of our character. We can’t think of a more important way to lead, connect, and step into what […]
Training Resilience and Courage

Does anyone else think this past year has required a touch of mental toughness? Doesn’t matter which end of which spectrum you’ve landed on, this past year has felt charged, chaotic, and uncertain. Although, I dare you to find a time as a parent where those three words wouldn’t just describe a typical day?! This […]