Strong Legs

Your legs will be barking – no doubt. Enjoy the burn. Strong Legs Set timer for 20 minutes. Every minute, on the minute, perform: Minute 1 – 12 air squats Minute 2 – 12 jumping air-squats Minute 3 – 12 skater jumps Minute 4 – 12 lunges Minute 5 – rest Repeat 4 times For […]

Ab Challenge – Kids Core Strengthening

Our kids are super busy playing sports of all kinds but their little cores are often forgotten.  Core strength is the building block of total body strength and integrity.  When kids lack core strength they can be prone to injury, lack coordination, and have less total body power.  This super simple and functional kids exercise […]

6 Tips to Make Everyday Your Best Day

The hustle and bustle of raising families can blur days into diaper duty and homework in the blink of an eye. Life is unpredictable, changing, and surprising, but building days around a few simple keys can really change the quality of every day. When we choose to make a plan and stop reacting to everything […]