Strong Legs

Your legs will be barking – no doubt. Enjoy the burn. Strong Legs Set timer for 20 minutes. Every minute, on the minute, perform: Minute 1 – 12 air squats Minute 2 – 12 jumping air-squats Minute 3 – 12 skater jumps Minute 4 – 12 lunges Minute 5 – rest Repeat 4 times For […]

Total Core

Fun movement combo to build core stability, cardio, and glutes. Be mindful of integrating shoulders into the shoulder cuff and lift core to the sky. Here we go. Total Core 12 minutes as many rounds as possible of: 20 mountain climbers 20 donkey kicks 12 supermans Fun for Kids: The movements today are fun by […]

Cardio & Abs

Burpees simply get the job done so fast! Train strength, cardio, stamina, mindset – all of it! This workout is fast and effective so commit to working hard for one minute at a time. You’ve got this! Cardio & Abs Part 1: 6 rounds: 1 minute max burpees 1 minute rest Part 2: 100 Russian […]

Death by Squats

squats and lunges

Today’s workout is just like it sounds. We’re going to go until the legs have nothing left. Here we go. Death by Squats Death by air squat.  In the first minute, perform 5 air squats.  At the start of every minute, add one air squat to the set.  The workout ends when you can no […]

Push & Run

This workout is super fast! No time to waste. Let’s go. Push & Run Push-up pyramid 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10.  Begin with 1 push-up.  Increase by 1 every round until you reach 10 push-ups. Run 1 mile as fast as possible Fun for Kids: The 1-mile run can be a run/walk, skip/hop, or other creative movements. Before beginning […]