Healing Trauma

Traumas of every shape and size influence our daily behaviors, choices, and beliefs. As parents and partners, we might want a different choice than reacting to all of life based on these trauma-influenced beliefs. We might also like our children to have an opportunity to inherit different beliefs. Healing our traumas is paramount to experiencing […]
Conscious Birthing

If you are contemplating having children or are in the process of growing your family, this conversation is a must-listen! Victoria Rose, a pre- and perinatal educator and birth consultant, joins us for a discussion on conscious birthing. You’ll learn how women can harness the innate wisdom of their bodies, connect with their babies before, […]
The Mind Gym

Ready to optimize your mindset and thought patterns and create a powerful vision for the future? This episode is for you! Jim Brault of Mind Gym Bro joins Cole to share how to train your brain to increase strength, resilience, positivity, and healing with techniques that ANYONE can use. Learn how to create more capacity […]