The Crucible

Challenge often transforms us in surprising, wonderful, and even necessary ways. That doesn’t mean getting from point A to point B is easy, not even close. We see the most significant transformation by embracing discomfort and uncertainty, the exact things we spend most of our life trying to avoid. Crucible events are designed to change […]
Fit For Real Life

Do you live in a body that is slowly declining? Or a body that is steadily improving? Whichever you believe, you are right because our belief drives our actions and behaviors. Here, Becoming Unbreakable author Kate Galliett shares her training and fitness strategies for becoming fit for real life. Listen in. Fit For Real Life […]
Learning from the School of Grit

Ever wondered what you’re really made of? Have you asked yourself what might be possible if you dug just a little deeper? Today’s guest, Brad Ritter, asked himself those questions and then set out to find the answer. In his new book, School of Grit, he shares hard-earned lessons from the toughest civilian training in […]

The most important thing to do in wall-sits is to watch your mind and keep breathing. When the body starts to bark, take a deep breath, tell yourself “I’ve got this”, and rock it out. Wall-sits 6 Minutes: Every Minute, at the start of the minute, alternate between: 1 minute wall-sits 1 minute rest Finish […]
Training Resilience and Courage

Does anyone else think this past year has required a touch of mental toughness? Doesn’t matter which end of which spectrum you’ve landed on, this past year has felt charged, chaotic, and uncertain. Although, I dare you to find a time as a parent where those three words wouldn’t just describe a typical day?! This […]