Fit For Real Life

Do you live in a body that is slowly declining? Or a body that is steadily improving? Whichever you believe, you are right because our belief drives our actions and behaviors. Here, Becoming Unbreakable author Kate Galliett shares her training and fitness strategies for becoming fit for real life. Listen in. Fit For Real Life […]

The most important thing to do in wall-sits is to watch your mind and keep breathing. When the body starts to bark, take a deep breath, tell yourself “I’ve got this”, and rock it out. Wall-sits 6 Minutes: Every Minute, at the start of the minute, alternate between: 1 minute wall-sits 1 minute rest Finish […]
Burpees & Planks

“People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.” F.M. Alexander Burpees and Planks Enjoy getting a total body workout and your heart rate up in this quick 10-minute burner! Part 1: 5 Minutes: Every minute, on the minute, perform 10 burpees. Rest the remainder of the minute. […]
Leg Day

Bring awareness to how you move. How does the body feel when you move, after you move, and throughout the day? Start paying attention to the information the body shares with you. Leg Day 10-minute workout: Every minute, at the start of the minute, alternate performing: 20 air-squats 20 lunges (10 each leg) Fun for the kids: […]
Jump Up

This is going to burn in the best way possible. Enjoy! Jump Up 100 jumping lunges Every time you take a break, perform 5 push-ups Record your total time. As you continue to build strength and stamina, this is a great workout to come back to. By recording your time, you’ll have a way to […]
Run, Work, Run

Enjoy some time outside (if Mother Nature is cooperating) with this quick cardio and strength training workout. Short sets of bodyweight exercises are a great way to keep the heart rate going while building strength. Do your best so that you can feel great after! Here we go… One mile run 10 Rounds of: 5 […]
Cardio with Weights

Another fast and effective exercise fitting in cardio with weights. With a jump rope and dumbbells, you can really begin to expand your capacity. In this workout, Jake is using 50 lb. dumbbells but absolutely scale the weight appropriately (Cole does the same exercise with 10-15 lb. weights). If pistols are challenging, consider beginning with […]
Body Weight Challenge

Total body in less than 10 minutes, cardio included. Push yourself to do your best while keeping good form. This body weight challenge will allow you to watch your strength and stamina build. Push-up, Burpees, Air-Squats – GO! Three sets of each exercise: push-ups, burpees, and air squats. Set 1 = 21 reps Set 2 […]
Ab Challenge – Deep Core

Day two of the ab challenge brings us to the deep core muscles. It is super transportable and easy to do ANYWHERE! Here we focus on the transverse abdominals (the ones that go across your body left to right underneath the “6 pack abs”) and the pelvic floor. Stay seated – it is going to […]
Ab Challenge – Boat Pose

Boat pose is a great way to tone the entire core. The balance aspect allows for constant pose tweaks that engage both small and large muscles. This is a burner! 8 rounds: 20 sec. boat pose 10 sec. rest