Five Ways to Let Go of Worry

Parenting is full of worry – even before a baby is born! We find ourselves stewing over little mistakes and far-off future decisions. And everything in between. However, worry robs us of the joy that is available every day. If you are ready to let go of worry and experience peace, calm, and confidence, check […]
The Power of Grey Thinking

Between the hard edges of black-and-white thinking is a world full of possibility. Here author Sandra Wigg joins us to share insights and tools from her book, The Power of Grey Thinking: Elevate Your Perspective Elevate Your Life. We learn how grey thinking can make us more resilient, create more opportunities for learning and growth, […]
The Mind Gym

Ready to optimize your mindset and thought patterns and create a powerful vision for the future? This episode is for you! Jim Brault of Mind Gym Bro joins Cole to share how to train your brain to increase strength, resilience, positivity, and healing with techniques that ANYONE can use. Learn how to create more capacity […]
The Crucible

Challenge often transforms us in surprising, wonderful, and even necessary ways. That doesn’t mean getting from point A to point B is easy, not even close. We see the most significant transformation by embracing discomfort and uncertainty, the exact things we spend most of our life trying to avoid. Crucible events are designed to change […]
Shift Stress to Success

We live in a world that tells us we can do it all. Not only that we can, but that we should. That we must. To keep up, we often run ragged, giving from the very last of our nearly empty cup. It isn’t sustainable. As we hear in today’s episode, this way of living […]
Fit For Real Life

Do you live in a body that is slowly declining? Or a body that is steadily improving? Whichever you believe, you are right because our belief drives our actions and behaviors. Here, Becoming Unbreakable author Kate Galliett shares her training and fitness strategies for becoming fit for real life. Listen in. Fit For Real Life […]
Fit as a Mother

Accepting and loving your body in motherhood can be a tall task. As a trainer specializing in prenatal and postpartum fitness, our guest, Chloe Puff, shares how we can change the relationship to our body, optimize mindset, and love the body we live in through fitness. We discuss what it looks like to be fit […]

The most important thing to do in wall-sits is to watch your mind and keep breathing. When the body starts to bark, take a deep breath, tell yourself “I’ve got this”, and rock it out. Wall-sits 6 Minutes: Every Minute, at the start of the minute, alternate between: 1 minute wall-sits 1 minute rest Finish […]
Obstacle or Opportunity

The decision to approach any situation as an obstacle or opportunity is exactly that, a decision. Sometimes that decision is harder than others. We do this in our jobs, in our relationships, and in bigger challenges like trauma, illness, and life in a pandemic. Jake and Cole sat down for a real-life discussion around approaching […]
Plan for Success

Have you ever noticed that when you ask someone about their day, a common answer is “it was a long day”. “Long” is usually code for feeling beat down. Instead of the grind, let’s plan for success. No Plan is No Good Most of us are reactive, and by that I mean that most people […]