Healing Trauma

Traumas of every shape and size influence our daily behaviors, choices, and beliefs. As parents and partners, we might want a different choice than reacting to all of life based on these trauma-influenced beliefs. We might also like our children to have an opportunity to inherit different beliefs. Healing our traumas is paramount to experiencing […]
Five Ways to Let Go of Worry

Parenting is full of worry – even before a baby is born! We find ourselves stewing over little mistakes and far-off future decisions. And everything in between. However, worry robs us of the joy that is available every day. If you are ready to let go of worry and experience peace, calm, and confidence, check […]
Confidence & Identity in Motherhood

It is easy to find ourselves on the busy, overwhelmed, and unfulfilled hamster wheel. Let’s hop off that spin cycle and into confidence, alignment, and our true identity in motherhood. It won’t be an exercise in perfection! But it will be one of curiosity, presence, and connection. Here Andrea Herbert of Gold Ivy Health Co. […]
Five Ways to Improve Family Communication

When communication is off in the family – we can feel it! Voices get loud; tantrums are constant for toddlers, teens, and parents alike. No fun. Thank goodness for our guest, Carol Muleta. She has a simple five-step path to communication that is effective, creates understanding, and empowers everyone. Her system allows for greater peace, […]
Health and Balance Are Right Now

Any chance you feel drained and overwhelmed? Parenting and work life aren’t exactly designed to feel well-rested and ahead of the game. What if you could get back moments of balance, wellness, and health? Our guest, Alexa Schirm, founder of The Living Well, shares her journey from completely losing her health to finding health and […]
Brain Balance and Optimization

There are many ways brain imbalances present themselves – from emotional swings and challenges connecting with others to diagnoses such as ADHD and OCD. Training your brain to create left and right hemisphere balance allows for higher emotional intelligence, mental clarity, and more balance through the body and mind. Dr. Jimmy Leonette shares how to […]
Formula for Change

Change is hard. Where do we start, and how do we make it last? Here, author Bret Magpiong shares his formula for change – the Delta Theorem – finally, a way to take action on your most meaningful principles, passions, priorities, and purpose. In Bret’s new book, The Delta Theorem: An Innovative Framework for Being […]
Clearing Emotional Debt

Have you ever had an outsized reaction to a small circumstance? The proverbial crying over spilled milk? We all have. These are the exact moments our emotions get the best of us. Or, as our guest, Victor Pierantoni, would say, moments when we add interest to our emotional debt. Emotional debt is the unprocessed negative […]
The Family Standard

What standard does your family live up to? Does it feel like it belongs to you or a set of rules you are “supposed’ to live by? Is it a standard that expects the bare minimum or one you must work toward? What if your family standard meant everyone in your household might transform into […]
Resilience, Leadership, and Parenting

How can we help our children learn from failure, build resilience, and become excellent leaders? We model it. We do the work ourselves! Here we talk with coach and former U.S. Navy SEAL Richard Thompson about mastering ourselves in service to our most important team: our family. Listen in. Resilience, Leadership, and Parenting You’ll learn […]