The Mind Gym
Ready to optimize your mindset and thought patterns and create a powerful vision for the future? This episode is for you! Jim Brault of Mind Gym Bro joins Cole to share how to train your brain to increase strength, resilience, positivity, and healing with techniques that ANYONE can use. Learn how to create more capacity […]
Simple & Healthy Nutrition for Kids
In a busy family, it can be challenging to prioritize your kids’ nutrition. Unfortunately, easy and fast often means full of sugar, fat, and highly processed. Here, functional nutritionist Melanie Sliwka shares strategies for simple and healthy nutrition for kids that are fun and empowering. Having participated in her Kids Food Fight program, I can […]
End Diet Sabotage
Is your relationship with food one of shame, internal battles, and self-sabotage? Our guest, Registered Dietitian Gina Worful, shares how to get off the diet hamster wheel and into the health and wellness you (and your body) desire. It’s time to end diet sabotage by tuning into the messages of our bodies and gaining awareness […]
Shift Stress to Success
We live in a world that tells us we can do it all. Not only that we can, but that we should. That we must. To keep up, we often run ragged, giving from the very last of our nearly empty cup. It isn’t sustainable. As we hear in today’s episode, this way of living […]
Fit For Real Life
Do you live in a body that is slowly declining? Or a body that is steadily improving? Whichever you believe, you are right because our belief drives our actions and behaviors. Here, Becoming Unbreakable author Kate Galliett shares her training and fitness strategies for becoming fit for real life. Listen in. Fit For Real Life […]
Preparing Healthy Meals for a Busy Family
Planning meals ahead of time is a great way to stay organized, but meal planning itself can feel time-consuming and stressful! Not planning can waste more time, causing you to scramble through your kitchen and spend hours online searching for recipes. Meal planning is a learned behavior, and it becomes easier with practice. A little […]
Breaking Diet Rules
The dieting culture has done us exactly zero favors – creating strange food relationships, constant restriction, and mixed messages galore. Here, Dietitian Karina Nava shares her simple no-diet approach to breaking diet rules, living simply, and getting results that matter. Listen in. Breaking Diet Rules Meet Karina Nava, RD Karina is a Registered Dietitian based […]
Mental Fitness
Truth: you cannot separate the brain from the body, nor can you separate the body from the mind. Unless things get weird science around here! Because of the deep and bi-directional relationship between the brain and the body, today’s conversation is so important. Training the mind starts with our guests’ “body-first” approach. Meaning we can […]
Moving Toward Wellness
What would you do with a body filled with health? How might you serve in a body where anything is possible? Our physical bodies are gateways to health, wellness, and growth. Yes, movement can help us feel good about the way we look. However, that is incredibly boring compared to how it makes us feel […]
Eating Well This Holiday Season
Here we are at the kick-off to the holiday season! What joy! What fun! Get out the “fat pants”! Huh? This season is full of celebration, which is delightful. But those celebrations last for the next six weeks! If you’d like to reach the other side feeling good and on track with your health and […]